May 27, 2019

Palau has become the first country to ban many kinds of sunscreen, in a move to protect its coral reefs from chemicals that scientists say cause significant damage.

Note to readers: This topic was originally published in The Hindu on November 4, 2018. Since it was not covered in the News ‘Recitals’ of that day, so we are covering it today.


  • Under the ban, “reef-toxic” sunscreen — defined as containing one of 10 prohibited chemicals, a list that could grow later — can be confiscated from tourists when they enter the country, and retailers who sell it can be fined up to $1,000.

  • The ban will take effect in

  • Reason for ban:
    • An estimated 14,000 tonnes of sunscreen lotion ends up in the world’s oceans annually through sewer systems or washes off swimmers.

    • Chemicals in sunscreen can cause localized coral bleaching and can disrupt the reproduction of fish by interfering with their hormonal systems.

    • A 2015 study found that oxybenzone in sunscreen stunts coral growth and is toxic for the algae that live within reefs.

    • A major impetus for the ban was a 2017 report that found sunscreen products to be “widespread” in Jellyfish Lake, one of the country’s UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Source : The Hindu