Sexual Harassment At Workplace

March 31, 2019

Union govt. has made it mandatory for companies to disclose whether they have constituted an Internal Complaints committee (ICC) to probe allegations of sexual harassment at workplace.

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC):

  • Under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, it is mandatory for any organisation with 10 or more employees to constitute an ICC.

  • An employer who doesn’t do so could face a fine of up to ₹50,000.

  • Composition: An ICC should consist of a –
    • presiding officer, who is a woman employee at a senior level in the same organisation,

    • at least two employees “preferably committed to the cause of women”, and

    • a member from an NGO or a person “familiar with issues relating to sexual harassment.”

  • Powers: ICC would have powers similar to those of a civil court and would have to complete its inquiry within 90 days.

Recent decision:

  • For making the disclosure mandatory, Corporate Affairs Ministry has amended the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, governed by the Companies Act, 2013.

  • The amended rules state that the Annual Reports of Private companies will have to contain a statement about status of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC).

Source : The Hindu