Jan. 30, 2019

The tigress released into Odisha’s Satkosia Reserve from Madhya Pradesh, which allegedly killed a woman in Anugul district, will be sent back to her home state.


  • Components: Satkosia Tiger Reserve comprises of two adjoining Sanctuaries of central Odisha named as Satkosia Gorge Sanctuary and Baisipalli Sanctuary.

  • Establishment: These two sanctuaries together covering an area of 963 have been notified as Satkosia Tiger Reserve in 2007.

  • Location: It is located in the Angul district of Odisha where the Mahanadi River passes through a 22 km long gorge in the Eastern Ghats mountains. The area is also a part of the Mahanadi elephant reserve.

  • Biodiversity: Satkosia is the meeting point of two bio-geographic regions of India; the Deccan Peninsula and the Eastern Ghats, contributing to immense biodiversity. The major plant communities are mixed deciduous forests including Sal and riverine forest.

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