Jan. 30, 2019

Rajasthan has become the first State in the country to implement the national policy on biofuels, which was unveiled by the Centre in May 2018.

 National Policy on Biofuels – 2018: Salient Features

  • Categorisation of Biofuels: Biofuels have been categorised into 3 categories to extend appropriate fiscal incentives –
    • First Generation (1G): Bio-Ethanol produced from molasses and bio-diesel from non-edible oilseeds (a.k.a Basic Biofuels).

    • Second Generation (2G): Bio-ethanol produced from municipal solid waste (a.k.a Advanced Biofuels).

    • Third Generation (3G): Fuels like bio-CNG.

  • Expansion of Scope of raw material for ethanol production: Starch containing materials like Corn, Damaged food grains like wheat, Rotten Potatoes, unfit for human consumption for ethanol production can be used.

  • Surplus food grains can be used for ethanol production:
    • It allows use of surplus food grains for production of ethanol for blending with petrol with the approval of National Biofuel Coordination Committee.

    • This will benefit Farmers who are at a risk of not getting appropriate price for their produce during the surplus production phase.

  • Viability gap funding: With a thrust on Advanced Biofuels, the Policy indicates a viability gap funding scheme for 2G ethanol Bio refineries.

Rajasthan’s strategy:

  • It will emphasise on increasing production of oilseeds and establish a Centre for Excellence in Udaipur to promote research in the fields of alternative fuels and energy resources.

Source : The Hindu

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