Nov. 28, 2018

Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and The Energy and Research Institute (TERI) signed a MoU for setting up of India’s first ever Integrated Bioenergy and Bioproduct Centre.


  • Department of Biotechnology (under Ministry of Science & Technology) and The Energy and Research Institute (TERI) signed a MoU for setting up of India’s first ever Integrated Bioenergy and Bioproduct Centre.

  • This is also the DBT’s fifth Centre of Excellence in Bioenergy with other being located at the
    • Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi;

    • Indian Institute of Technology-Guwahati;

    • Transtech Green Power Limited, Jaipur; and

    • ONGC Energy Centre, Delhi NCR.

  • Its mandate is to carry out R&D research work along-with creation of products in the area of bio-commodities and bioenergy that can be finally commercialized.

  • The unique concept of integrated production of advanced biofuels and bio-commodities is based on the multidisciplinary research expertise of TERI.

  • Benefits: Advanced biofuels production technologies in bio-refinery approach would aid in;
    • Reducing dependence on the finite fossil fuel reserves,

    • Reducing crude oil imports,

    • Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy utilization and

    • Can open new economic streams, in sustainable management of waste generated from agriculture, industrial or urban sector.

Source : The Hindu