Doing Okay Index (DGI)

March 29, 2019

According to Doing Good Index (DGI) on Philanthropy, India along China and Pakistan is just ‘Doing Okay’ in philanthropy, while Sri Lanka is ‘Doing better’.


  • Doing Good Index (DGI) is released by Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society’s (CAPS).

  • It is a first of its kind survey that looks at factors that enable or impede philanthropic giving.

  • It considers factors under four sub-indexes: (1) Regulations, (2) Tax and Fiscal Policy, (3) Ecosystem and (4) Procurement.

  • The 2018 index covers 15 Asian economies which have been categorised into 4 clusters on the basis their philanthropic activity



Doing WELL

Japan, Singapore and Taiwan.


Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Doing OKAY

India, Pakistan and China.

Not Doing enough

Indonesia and Myanmar.

  • Steps taken by India towards Philanthropy:
    • Companies Act, 2013 requires that companies (with revenue of more than ₹10 billion) will have to invest 2% of their net profits for corporate social responsibility (CSR).

    • India has also put in place the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act in 2010, which regulates foreign contribution (especially monetary donation) provided to NGOs and others within India.

Source : THE Hindu

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