- Objective: Reason for introducing this concept was to take a comprehensive look at a particular produce/product located in a contiguous area for the purpose of developing and sourcing the raw materials, their processing/packaging, leading to final exports.
- Timeline:
The concept of Agri Export Zone (AEZ) was introduced in 2001, through EXIM Policy 1997-2001.
- In all 60 Agri Export Zones (AEZ) were notified by the Government till 2004 - 05.
- In December 2004, an internal peer review conducted by Department of Commerce concluded that the notified AEZs had not been able to achieve the intended objectives.
- It was decided that there will be no creation of new AEZs. Thus, No new AEZs have been set up after 2004.
- All the notified AEZs have completed their intended span of 5 years and have been discontinued.